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starPapers That Matter

link buttonDeclaration of Persepolis
spacer (1975)

link buttonLiteracy: Charitable Enterprise or Politcal Right
spacer (1977: Sidney Pratt, Naldi Nomez and Patricio Urzua)

link buttonCore Quaiity Standards for Adult Literacy
spacerA Practitioner’s Guide to the Accountability Framework
spacerfor the Adult Literacy Education System
and Core Quality Standards for Programs
spacer (1995: Ontario Literacy Programs and OTAB)

link buttonCore Quaiity Standards for Adult Literacy
spacer List of Standards

spacer (1995: Ontario Literacy Programs and OTAB)

link buttonContested Ground
spacer Performance Accountability in Adult Education
spacer (1998: Juliet Merrifield)

link buttonLiteracy, Welfare and Work
spacer Adult Education in an Era of Welfare Reform
spacer (1999: Janet Smith)

link buttonProcesses of policy making and theories of public policy
spacer Relating power, policy and professional knowledge in literacy agendas
spacer (2004: Joseph Lo Bianco)

link buttonRace, Class, Gender, and Sexual Orientation in Adult Literacy
spacer Power, Pedagogy, and Programs
spacer (2004: Deborah D'Amico)

link buttonNegotiating Responsibilization
spacer Power at the Threshold of Capable Literate Conduct in Ontario
spacer (2013: Tannis Atkinson) PDF

link buttonMore by Tannis Atkinson Website